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In our Sixth Form standards are high and so are our expectations. In 2024, 21.4% of A Levels sat by our talented students were awarded A* grades, while 70 per cent (70.3 per cent) of all exams sat were awarded A* to B grades. We are proud that, supported by our experienced and enthusiastic staff, over 95 per cent of our students go on to higher education with the majority gaining their first choice university place.  

We offer a wide range of subjects at A Level as well as a 'super-curriculum' where our students are encouraged to extend their horizons and take on new challenges that will equip them for life at university and beyond. The super-curriculum enables students to ignite new interests and master new skills, while also broadening their appeal to university admissions tutors and future employers. Super-curriculum activities normally range from pure interest disciplines such as beginners Mandarin or more formal undertakings such as the Extended Project Qualification.

We have a renowned careers advice service, as well as a higher education programme, to guide our students through the university application process. This programme includes specific support for those applying to highly competitive courses and universities such as medicine and Oxbridge.  

To find out more, and for advice and guidance on subjects that would suit you, please see the booklet below.  

Life In The Sixth Form Booklet

Universal Slideshow

Damian Hughes with pupils at Dame Allan's Schools
Pupils in Sixth Form breakout space
Sixth Form pupils in quiet study area
Dame Allan's pupils in Sixth Form meeting room
Dame Allan's pupils in Sixth Form group work area
Dame Allan's pupils in Sixth Form group work area