
Our values

We exist to provide the best education to every pupil, regardless of background, within an inspiring and supportive environment as informed by the Schools’ Anglican foundation and traditions. Embedded within our diamond structure is the expectation that pupils are not only purposeful and tenacious in their endeavours, but also tolerant and supportive of each other, underlining our view that when children feel valued and known, they can grow into happy and successful adults.

Discovery and achievement

Dame Allan's pupils are challenged to discover and develop their sporting, artistic, leadership and other talents alongside their academic abilities, and to aspire for excellence in all that they do. They should always strive for their best, recognising setbacks as opportunities to reflect and learn. At Dame Allan's, pupils are given a structure and richness of experience through which new skills are learnt and knowledge embedded. They grasp opportunities to achieve beyond any externally or self-imposed limits and press ahead confidently in their academic and personal development.

Within the Dame Allan's family and beyond

At the heart of our aims is a concern for each pupil’s welfare and for their positive development as an individual and member of the Dame Allan's family. Whilst the Schools are a community of pupils, parents, staff, alumni, governors and others, we value the individual’s needs and recognise the importance of supporting each other. We emphasise the interdependence of the individual and the community at local, national and international levels. We ask pupils to show care and concern for others within this orderly and supportive place, acting with consideration and respect for other people, themselves and their environment.

Universal Slideshow
