Anglican Foundation
Dame Allan’s Schools happily welcomes children of all faiths and none, though we have a Christian foundation rooted in the Anglican (Church of England) tradition, which helps to guide our pupils to be tolerant, kind and understanding, and underlines our view that every child matters.
The Church of England upholds a vision for education where all should have the potential to ‘find life in all its fullness’, (John 10:10). This is not a vision that seeks to indoctrinate or change belief, rather it is a vision that seeks to allow all to grow to their full and independent potential.
Through their foundation, Dame Allan’s Schools are part of a larger, national family of over 4,600 state maintained schools and over 200 independent schools, who together educate and nurture over one million children each day in England.
The National Vision for Education seeks to educate for the common good of the whole community. It roots it’s aspirations in the four themes of wisdom, hope, community and dignity. Click here to find out more about the National Vision for Education.
The Senior School’s Chamber Choir leads choral evensong at St James’ and St Basil's on a regular basis and the Schools maintain their historic link with St Nicholas' Cathedral in Newcastle through our annual Founder’s Day and Carol Services.